Saturday, 18 October 2014


What you didn't know is that, throughout the competition, each contestant was being secretly scored on a points system - and now, the three eliminated contestants with the highest scores have the chance to return to the competition in time for the final stretch.

The three contestants who scored the most points are Helen, Filip, and Giselle

A poll has been created for you, the readers, to decide which contestant should return!

Whoever receives the most number of votes will automatically take the place of the contestant eliminated in the next results, making them a part of the official final three.

Vote now! The results of the poll are kept private and will be revealed in the Task 6 results post!



  1. I wish we could see their tasks, well Giselle tasks. So its not just a popularity contest....

    1. Nobody is stopping you from reviewing the last few posts and basing your vote on their tasks...
